Frequently Asked Questions
USS NAUTILUS was the world’s first nuclear-powered ship and the first vessel to go to the North Pole.
NAUTILUS was named a National Historic Landmark in 1982 and Connecticut’s State Ship in 1985.
Electric Boat Company, one of the nation’s leading constructors of submarines, built NAUTILUS in Groton, 3 miles south of where she is presently moored.
June 1952; President Harry Truman officiated at NAUTILUS keel-laying. January 1954; Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower, wife of the president launched NAUTILUS. In September 1954; NAUTILUS was commissioned.
NAUTILUS carried 11 officers and 105 enlisted men.
NAUTILUS could dive to 700 feet.
In excess of 20 knots.
319 feet – a little longer than a football field.
3,400 tons on the surface.
NAUTILUS was the first true submarine and could stay underwater for very long periods of time. Whereas World War II submarines would remain submerged for 12-48 hours. NAUTILUS could remain underwater for two weeks or more.
Yes, NAUTILUS sailed from Alaska under the Polar ice cap, passed under the North Pole, and surfaced near Greenland. This record setting voyage took place in August 1958.
No. NAUTILUS is very stable and moves very little.
There is a wide walkway (brow) leading from the pier to the submarine.
No; the stairs are also an addition to make it easier for visitors to enter NAUTILUS.
No; this was added for visitor convenience when NAUTILUS was modified for visitation.
This is the Presidential Unit Commendation. NAUTILUS became the first ship to ever win this coveted award in peacetime by going to the North Pole.
These letters represent awards for excellence that NAUTILUS earned on active duty: *The white E–This is the coveted Battle Efficiency E for excellence in combat readiness. *The red E–This is an award for excellent engineering. *The red A –This is an award for excellence in anti-submarine warfare.
The Navy numbers all its submarines consecutively since the first one, USS HOLLAND (SS-1) commissioned in 1900. NAUTILUS was the 571st submarine built for the U.S. Navy.
No. In converting NAUTILUS for visitation to the public, the Navy made extensive renovations which prevent NAUTILUS form sailing on her own power again.
Twenty-six; from 1954 to 1980.
The Navy decommissioned NAUTILUS in March 1980.